if (typeof jobim_planning_loaded == 'undefined') { jobim_planning_loaded = 1; $(function() { // Adds message at the top of the week table. $('#planning') .not('.jobim-processed') .addClass('jobim-processed') .before('Cliquez sur le nom des sessions pour accéder au programme détaillé et cliquez sur les numéros des salles pour rejoindre les sessions.') ; // Add room links after event titles. $('#planning .eventTitle a') .not('.jobim-processed') .addClass('jobim-processed') .each(function (item) { if ($(this).attr('onclick')) { var id = $(this).attr('onclick').match(/getInfo\((\d+)\)/); var url = $('#popup' + id[1] + ' a').attr('href'); var room = $('#popup' + id[1] + ' a').text().match(/^(Salle (?:\d+|.*poster.*))/i); if (room && (1 < room.length)) { var room_class = room[1].replace('Salle ', '').replace(/\W+/g, '-'); if (room_class) { room_class = ' jobim-room-' + room_class; } $(this) .wrap('
') .after( ' ' + room[1] .replace('Salle ', '') .replace(/.*poster.*/, '#') + '' ) ; } } }) ; // Remove line breaks in planning. $('#planning .eventTitle br').remove(); // Remove room long names. $('a[href^="https://jobim2020-agropolis-fr.zoom.us/j/"]') .not('.jobim-processed') .addClass('jobim-processed') .each(function (item) { $(this) .html($(this).html().replace(/(Salle \d+): .*/, "$1")) .not('.jobim-room') .addClass('jobim-room') .each(function () { var room = $(this).html().match(/(Salle (?:\d+|.*poster.*))/); if (room && (1 < room.length)) { var room_class = room[1].replace('Salle ', '').replace(/\W+/g, '-'); if (room_class) { room_class = ' jobim-room-' + room_class; } $(this).addClass(room_class); } }) ; }) ; // Remove long labels in planning. if ($('a[onclick="getInfo(121346)"]').length) { $('a[onclick="getInfo(121346)"]').html($('a[onclick="getInfo(121346)"]').html().replace('Présentation ', '').replace(' presentation', '')); } if ($('a[onclick="getInfo(121348)"]').length) { $('a[onclick="getInfo(121348)"]').html($('a[onclick="getInfo(121348)"]').html().replace('Présentation ', '').replace(' presentation', '')); } if ($('a[onclick="getInfo(121347)"]').length) { $('a[onclick="getInfo(121347)"]').html($('a[onclick="getInfo(121347)"]').html().replace('Présentation ', '').replace(' presentation', '')); } // Add room count class for rooms. $('#planning .eventTitle') .not('.jobim-session-count') .addClass('jobim-session-count') .each(function (item) { var count; if (count = $(this).find('.jobim-session').length) { $(this).addClass('jobim-session-count-' + count); } } ); }); }